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​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Laboratory

Agricultural Services 

​Food Technology Laboratory: -

Microbiology Laboratory

Food Science and Technology  Division​

Agricultural Chemistry Division, Other Activities 

The Food Technology Laboratory (FTL) aims to support safe production at both primary and processor levels. It is a COMES​A Food Safety Reference Laboratory since 2008.
FTL became operational in 2007 and has been an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory since 2012. It is currently accredited by the Mauritius Accreditation Service (MAURITAS) ( for biological and food testing fields.  (

Dr  Shalini Amnee NEELIAH (Mrs)
​Ag  Assistant Director​,​
Principal Scientific Officer for (Dairy Chemistry Division)
 renamed as​ the Food Science and Technology Division​

​+230 466 1435
Principal Scientific Officer
 (Agricultural Chemistry Division)​

+230 4661435/1420
+230 466 1321 
 Fax: 466 1559
+230 4661435

+230 4661419

+230 4661420

Fax: +230 466 8563

Food Technology Laboratory

Ministry of Agro-Industry  and Food Security
Réduit Mauritius

​Customer Charter​​

​Vision and Mission of the Food Technology Laboratory​

      • ​​​​            ​Striving towards safe and quality foods through excellence in analysis by  meeting international standards


  • ​​​​- Microbiological and Chemical analysis of foods (pesticide residues, heavy metals, toxins), animal feeds
       and water for our export and import requirements
  • - Provision of technical assistance to all stakeholders regarding food quality and safety
  • - To improve the chemical and microbiological quality of food and food products produced by
       small cow keepers, micro/small entrepreneurs, importers and food manufacturers
  • - To ensure the safety and quality of both locally produced, exported and imported food products.
- ​​To develop new analytical techni​ques and validate methods of analysis

 ​Divisions & Units at Food Technology Laboratory​

​Sections under Food Science and Technology Division​


F​ood Microbiology Laboratory


Dairy Chemistry Laboratory​


​Other activities include:

​-​ Training in food testing and food product development to national and regional stakeholders.
​​​​​​​​- CODEX Contact Point.
    • - Secretariat for National CODEX Committee.​
    • ​​​- Advisory services (Food safety, Food standards and legislation) ​​​.
      - FAO GM food platform focal point 
    • FAO GM Foods Platform is an international platform to share information on safety assessment
      of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants authorized in accordance with the Codex Plant Guideline.
Pilot Plant Unit​ /Physical & Organoleptic Unit​

​​  Activities and Tests carried out at Food Science and Technology Division