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Welcome to the Public Procurement Portal

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissi​oning of N​ew Variable Refrigerant Volumes (VRVs) and Upgrading of Electrical System at Food Technology Laboratory

​Supply, Testing and Commissioning of ​Veterinary Medicalized Vehicles and Associated Equipment & Accessories for the Livestock and Veterinary Division

​Procurement Exercise Reference: AGRO/IFB/2024/3398- Electrical Works at Forest Office, Malherbes, Curepipe

Procurement Exercise Reference: AGRO/IFB/2025/3533- Construction of New Head Quarters Office Building at the Forestry Department, Curepipe

​Procurement, Supply , Commis​sioning and Testing of Seed Thresher and
Seed Cleaner cum Grader for Barkly Experiment Station.

Supply, Installation, Testing and C​ommissioning of New Variable Refrigerant Volumes (VRVs)
and Upgrading of Electrical System at Food Technology Laboratory, Reduit

Construction of New Headquarters Office Building at the Forestry Department, Curepipe

Construction of New Office at Bigara for the NPCS

Press Notice for the Supply, Testing and Commissioning of Veterinary Medicalised Vehicles for Livestock and Veterinary Division

​Recruitment of Three Cadastral Surveyors under the Expert Skills Scheme​
Press Notice - Surveyor
OAB-Expert-skills  LAND SURVEYOR


Reference N​o.: MOAIFS/Q3​3/2024-25/RB - AGRO/IFB/2024/3305

Table Q33

Reference No.: MOAIFS/Q32/2024-25/RB AGRO/IFB/2024/3303

Table Q 32

​Provision of Security Servi​ces for Various Sites of Agricultural Services,
Reference No. MOAIFS/Q23/2023-24/ONB-AGRO/IFB/2023/2561, 

​The Collection of Pig​ waste and its Transformation into Biogas  -
Procurement reference:  MOAIFS/Q31/2024-25/EOI

Addendum No. 1MOAIFS/Q​13/2024-​25/ONB – Construction of a wheel track at Britannia Organic Zone

​Press Notice 
Invitation for Bids (IFB)​
(Authorised under Se​ction 16 of the Public Procurement Act 2006)​

Procurement Ref. No: AGRO/IFB/2024/3197

Procurement of Poultry Feeds for  Pou​ltry Breeding Centre of the Animal Production Division
(MOA/APD/Q16/2023-24/ONB / AGRO/IFB/2024/3015)

Open National Bidding - In​vitation for Bids SIFB - Supply, Customisation, Installation and Post Go-Live Support of an Enterprise Resource Planning System

Indicative Procurement Plan for Fin​ancial Year 2024-2025 (Procurement to be undertaken through Open Advertised Bidding)

Award of Procureme​nt Cont​ract for the Provision of Security Services to Various Sites of Forestry Service, Reference No. MOAIFS/Q85/2023-24/ONB-AGRO/IFB/2024/2776

Award of Procurement Contract for Construction of a Modern Nursery for Endemic Plants at Forestry Service, Curepipe

The Collection of pig waste and its  transformation into biogas PROCUREMENT REFERENCE: MOAIFS/Q1/2024-25/EOI

Invitation for Expression of Interest (Authorised under section 24(2)(a) of the Public Procurement Act 2006) for the Collection of Pig Waste and its transformation into biogas (Ref. No: MOAIFS/Q1/2024-25/EOI)

​​Procurement Notice Upgrading of​ SIFB Building at Mare D'Albert   (17 June 2024)

Award of Procurement Contract

Procurement of Poultry Feed​s for Poultry Breeding Centre of the Animal Production Division
(MOA/APD/Q12/2022-23/ONB / AGRO/IFB/2023/2188),

Award of Procurement Contract

Notice under section 40​(7) of the Public Procurement Act
(MOA/APD/Q04/2022-23/ONB / AGRO/IFB/2023/1845)

​Award of Procurement Contract

​Executive Summary of ​Bid Evaluation Report
Provision of Security Services to various Stations/Compounds for Lots 1 and 2

Annual Procurement Plan for financial year 2021/2022 

​​​​Registration of Potenti​al Suppliers / Contractors​​

Annual Procurement Requirement – 2020/2021​   -  31 August 2020

 Provision of Security Services to Various Stations/Com​pounds MOAIFS/Q16/2020-2021/OAB