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Post Entry Quarantine for planting material for the horticultural and floricultural sector development, most commonly carried out are: Rose, Chrysanthemum, Gerberra, Orchids, among others.
2. The importer shall be required to establish the post entry quarantine facilities such as an isolated field / nursery / glasshouse / greenhouse / polyhouse etc.
3. The importer shall inform in advance the National Plant Protection Office about the time of planting of the imported plant material in the approved facility and permit complete access for inspection of the plants.
4. The importer shall provide transport facilities and any other necessary support to the NPPO officers for undertaking inspection at the time of planting and at such intervals as may be considered necessary for detection of pests and diseases.
Plants grown under post entry quarantine may be released if found free from pests for the period specified.
Plants found affected by quarantine pests shall be destroyed at importer's own cost and without compensation.
Destruction of the affected plant by importer shall be carried out in a prescribed manner under the supervision of the quarantine inspector.
Plant Containment Facility and Quarantine greenhouse for high risk germplasm
Containment facilities for importation of high-risk germplasm under specific quarantine conditions are available to prospective importers.
The facilities offered include hardening rooms for imported tissue culture plantlets and greenhouse space for post entry quarantine observations.