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​​​​​​​ Land Conversion Unit

​​​Conversion of Agricultural Land to Non Agricultural Use​

Extract of Section 2​9 of the S|IE Act 2001 _ Amended Feb 2020

1.   Legal Framework: Part V of the Sugar Industry Efficiency (SIE) Act 2001 governs the modus operandi under which conversion of
    agricultural land to non agricultural use is made.
2.   Definition of agricultural Land: As per Section 27 & 28(2) of the SIE Act, agricultural land means either
​(a) land which has been under cultivation of sugar cane, tea or tobacco from the effective date of application for land conversion or
​(b) land which is declared as an irrigation area as per the Irrigation Authority Act or

​(c) land which forms part of a land which was subdivided for agricultural purposes.
3.   Procedures for application for land conversion: An application for conversion of agricultural land has to be made by the
     owner of the land on the application form available at the Land Conversion Unit of the Ministry.

                  Downloadable Forms​ .   Additional documents to be submitted.       (cl​ick ​here)

4.   Exemption from payment of land conversion tax: Section 29 of the SIE Act provides for cases where an application
 is exempted from payment of land conversion
​​​​     (click h​ere​)

