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​​​​​​Agricultural Services

Livestock Feed Promotion Scheme/​

Agricultural Development Division

Contact Person:  

E-mail :

Agricultural Superintendent

(230)401 2800 (Ext. 2871 & 2931)



​​​To contribute to the development of Agricultural Sectors.


Activities ​

​​(i)  Decentralisation of services provided by the Ministry
(ii) Collect receipts from breeders
(iii) Provide regular service to the planting community and members of the public for obtaining seeds, plants and poultry vaccines provided by the Ministry



  • Agricultur​al Service Centre (one-stop shops) and Livestock Extension Shops ​​
  • Rivière des Anguilles ASC, FSC Building  ​​​
Tel: 626 3068
  • ​Saint Pierre ASC, FSC Building  
Tel: 433 9360
Centre / West ​
  • ​La Marie ASC​, SPWF Office, La ​​Croisée Glen Park 
​Tel:684 2259
  • ​​Long Mountain ASC, Dr André Road
Tel: 245 1492
  • Flacq ASC, near Veterinary office, Main Road, Camp Garreaux
​​Tel: 413 5670​

The Agricultural Service Centres act as a regional liaison office between the Ministry, the local farming community, members of the public and other related institutions.
   The objective is to provide a regional proximity service to
 the community. They also collect receipts for refund of subsidies for livestock feed.

   Four former Livestock Feed Sale Centres (now carrying out formalities for collection of receipts for refund of subsidies for livestock feed only).

​(i)​​​​ Richelieu Agr​icultural Extension Shop, near former LFF​​​​​​​ Tel: 233-2979​
​(ii)​ Triolet Agricultural Extens​ion Shop, ​​Dispensary Road​​ Tel: 261-7894
(iii)​ Rivière du Rempart Agricultural Extension Shop, FSC Building​​
(iv)​ Rose Belle Agricultural Extension Shop, Dispensary Road​​ Tel:  627-3615

Services ​

 Sale of plants : seedlings, cuttings, grafts, layers and tissue culture plantlets
 Sale of poultry vaccines​
 Sale of booklets​​
Produced by ​the Ministry


 Free distribution of fruit fly bait and
Collection of receipts for processing and ​refund of subsidies for livestock feed​​