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The Food Technology Laboratory: An Accredited Laboratory

The Food Technology Laboratory is a laboratory accredited by MAURITAS. The chemistry laboratory in the FTL building is equipped with state-of-the-art apparatus and equipment for chemical analysis as listed below:

Liquid Chromatograph with mass spectrometry (LCMSMS), Gas Chromatograph (GC), High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Kjeltec Auto Distillation Apparatus.


Quality Assurance

As part of its quality assurance for its test results, the Laboratory participates regularly in Proficiency Testing programs organized by internationally recognized institutions like:

FAPAS Food Analysis Performance Assessment SchemeFrom UK
BIPEA Bureau Inter Professionel d'Etudes Analytiques From France
WEPALWageningen Evaluation programme for Analytical Laboratories From The Netherlands
APTECAAflatoxin Proficiency Testing and Control in AfricaFrom Kenya
NMISANational Metrology Institute of South AfricaFrom South Africa


Proficiency Testing (PT) is a program wherein multiple samples are periodically sent to a group of laboratories for analysis, with an aim to evaluate the laboratory's performance, regarding the testing quality of samples.